Providing glass replacement and repair for home, business, auto and everything in between for over forty years.

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Residential Glass

Professional Glass Repairing & Replacement

Everyone has had a rock or ball thrown through their window, thankfully we can take the hassle out of that. Our team will go measure your window for a replacement. We offer free estimates, and will come to your house so long as it is within 20 miles of Bangor. We can fix and install house windows and patio doors and we even offer tempered and single house glass. All of our installations are completed within a week, so call and get started today.

Address & Inquiries

We are here to help with your glass needs, just call, click, or stop by. We look forward to hearing from you, contact us today!

Robertson Glass Co.
163 Clewleyville Rd
Eddington, ME 04428

Phone: (207) 989-5684
Email: [email protected]

Mon – Fri 8:00am – 5:00pm
Sat 9:00am – 2:00pm
Sun Closed